Introduces Original Herm Sprenger FORCE Prong Collar for police dogs
STAINLESS STEEL FORCE (PINCH) Training Collar for police dogs

Large Herm Sprenger Steel Force Pinch Collars 23 inch for police dogs
Size of Pinch Collar:
3.25 mm, 10 links, 23 inch (58 cm)
additional link 1 2/5 inch ( 3.5 cm )
Very strong.
Just snap them in or out.
Original Herm Springer German made steel.
Excellent for teaching heel, sit, stay, whoa, etc.
Proper fit is achieved by adding or removing links.
General "Woof" Collar Tip: We use special wax brushes machine to make smooth edges to avoid dogs skin irritation and to create as much comfort and smooth appearance as possibleI prefer the steel "prong/pinch" type dog training collars to choke chains as I have found their use to result in easier and faster training for both the dog and the trainer.
I suggest that teaching "heel" is a good place to start with the prong/pinch collar.