Www.schutzhund-dog-training-equipment-store.com offers Long Heavy Duty Leather Lead For Big Dogs like schutzhund dogs
* 3/4 inch on 6 foot dog LEASH ( 2.0 cm on 180.0 cm )
* Our Heavy Duty Dog Leash made of selected leather!
* Padded Leather Handle(Support materiel on the handle for handlers maximum comfort and control)
* Black color Leash
* Solid brass snap hook
* Stitched Lead 72 inches long

Long Heavy Duty Leather Lead For schutzhund dogs
General "Woof" Tip: Very important to pay attention on what kind of rivets is used to make your leather product.Some companies trying to cut down prices and use low quality rivets which will rust within weeks and can harm you and your dog because edges are sharp and not polished